Before becoming a fashionable summer retreat in the early 1900's this was James Ramsay’s home.

The following owner, James Prall, occupied it as a private dwelling. When it was next sold to Joeseph Kimenour, the building then became the fashionable summer resort and guest house refered to as "Springbrook". Tourism by boat all along the Delaware was very popular at this time affording Mr. Kimenour much success.

This popular tradition came to an end when Myron Gilbert purchase the structure for use as his home and bar. Mr. Gilberts' ownership of the property was the proverbial end to the nostalgic air the place once had. Being a hoarder of all things, the property and buildings from the main highway to the river became his place to keep his collection.

Upon his death the property was inherted by Charles Bryant. Mr. Bryant then found himself with the huge undertaking of removing hundreds of washing machines and refridgerators, a boat, a bus, an airplane, several truckloads of copper and other numerous items. What items that remained were eventually sold off at auction.

The property was then sold to Peter and Janet Cunningham. The hope for Springbrook was to bring it back some its early glory by making it into a Bread and Breakfast but tragically during renovation, Springbrook was destroyed by fire.

Today nothing remains of the Springbrook Hotel. The remaining property which includes James Ramsays' store along the highway, a barn and other outbuildings to the rear of the property are currenty being restored and maintained by the Knowlton Township Historic Commission.